Featured Project:


PlayPath helps parents of young kids find great parks to visit while traveling. Users can enter a destination address and the app will find kid-friendly parks along their route.
Currently in development with a projected release date of October 2023.
Built with:
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • React Native
  • Expo
Check it out on:
An iPhone mockup of PlayPath's Park Selection View, Search Criteria View, and Welcome Page.


Unisum is a number puzzle game for iOS and Android devices. Players must choose from a list of math operations to apply to all numbers in a row or column of the grid, with the goal of making each number match the goal number of the level.
The game offers 100 puzzles of varying difficulty. Currently in development.
Built with:
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • React Native
  • Expo
Check it out on:
An iPhone mockup of Unisum's gameplay and menu.

Personal Portfolio Site and Admin Console

A personal portfolio site for myself with a blog and projects page, along with a protected admin console for creating and editing content.
The admin console supports markdown when writing blog posts to easily mark content as headers, lists, links, and blockquotes, which will be shown accordingly on the portfolio site.
Built with:
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • React
  • NextJS
  • Supabase
A Macbook Pro mockup of the portfolio site admin console beside an iPhone XR mockup of the portfolio site itself.
© 2023 Andrew Pethoud